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Saturday 24 February 2018

Most poisonous animal species in the world

Most poisonous animal species in the world

Puffer fish
Puffer fishes are the second most poisonous vertebrates in the world. They found in all tropical seas around the world. Puffer fishes have enough venom to kill even humans. Their liver, kidneys and spikes contain dangerous nerve toxin called tetrodotoxin.
The venom of putter fish is 1200 times more dangerous than that of cyanide. It is believed to be one puffer fish contains enough venom to kill up to 30 adult humans.Scientists estimated that even the larvae of puffer fish contain small amounts of poison. Amazingly, in Japan the meat of putter fish found as a special dish called ‘fugu’.
 Poison Dart Frog

Poison dart frogs are most colorful and most poisonous vertebrates in the world. They inhabit in rainforests of Central and South America.  There are 100 different types of poison dart frogs are in the world, varies by color and pattern. Golden poison dart frogs are most dangerous among them. One golden poison dart frog contain enough venom to kill up to 10 adult men. Poison dart frogs gain the dangerous poison called batrachotoxin by wild eating of anthropods insects.

 Brazilian Wandering Spider
The Guinness book of world records listed Brazilian wandering spider as the most poisonous spider in the world. Their bite can cause death to humans. Luckily the antidote for the venom of the Brazilian wandering spider is available. They found in crowded places of Brazil and Amazon forest.Unlike other spider species Brazilian wandering spider won’t sues web to find food.
The Brazilian wandering spiders walk around the jungle floors in searching for food. They mainly feed on insects and other spiders. The bite from Brazilian wandering spiders cause intense pain, loss of muscle control and inflammation. The medical attention is a must for human victims.
 Inland Taipan
The venom of inland Taipan is 200 times more dangerous than a common cobra. They found across central Australia. A single bite from inland Taipan has enough venom to kill 100 adult humans. The inland Taipans are very shy in nature and inhabit in dunes and rocks. There is no recorded fatal attack on humans by inland Taipan. It is because inland Taipans are more likely to avoid the contact with humans.

 Death Stalker Scorpion

The death stalker scorpions have the deadliest venom than any other species of scorpions. They are very aggressive type of scorpions inhabit in deserts and scrublands across Middle East and North Africa. The neotrotoxin venom present in death stalker scorpions can be deadly to humans. The bite from a death stalker scorpion is extremely painful and can cause heart issues. Once bitten by death stalker scorpion you need to seek medical attention immediately. The delay for proper treatment can cause severe problems and even death.
 Stone Fish
The extremely dangerous stone fishes are found in tropical waters of Indo-Pacific ocean. They lurk in mud or sand on ocean floors and very difficult to find them. The deadly stone fish contains 13 sharp poisonous dorsal spines. They also sting very quickly. The sting from stone fish cause extreme pain, swelling, muscle weakness and temporary paralysis. The chances of death are higher without proper treatment.
Marbled Cone Snail
The marble cone snail is a special species of conus genus family, found mainly in Indian ocean. One drop of venom from marble cone snail has enough power to kill up to 20 adult humans. They mainly use their deadly venom to catch the prey. Unfortunately, there is no antivenom for the bite of marble cone snail. The sting from marble cone snails normally occur when the snorkelers and swimmers handle them carelessly. The venom can cause loss of coordination, difficulty in breathing, heart failure and double vision. The serious cases even lead to coma and death.
 Blue Ringed Octopus
Blue ringed octopus is the smallest one among octopus family. They are only 20 cm in diameter. The blue ringed octopuses are extremely dangerous. They have the power to produce two types of venom through its saliva. One type of venom used for catching preys such as crabs, another one is tetrotoxin which can be deadly even to humans.
Only 25 grams of venom of blue ringed octopus is enough to paralyze 10 adult humans. Unlike other poisonous animals the bite from blue ringed octopus is not painful. But in a few minutes after the bite the victim will experience numbness, vomiting, swallowing, difficulty in breathing and nausea. It also leads to death if not treated at the right time.
 King Cobra

King Cobra is the longest poisonous snake in the world. They inhabit in the highland forests of Asia. The king cobras can be 18 feet in length. They inject high amount of nuetrotoxin on a single bite. It is powerful enough to kill an African elephant within a few hours . Unlike other poisonous snakes the king cobras inject 5 times more amount of venom in a single bite. That amount of venom can kill up to 20 grown men.
This lengthy snake has also power to stand up to a maximum height of 6 feet. Normally the king cobras try to avoid the presence of humans. But they become very aggressive if irritated. Unsurprisingly the long king cobras can bite from long distances. The bite from king cobras are extremely painful and the venom will spread rapidly. The human victim should seek medical attention quickly.
 Box Jelly Fish
The box jellyfish is the most venomous creature known to mankind. They found in Indo-Pacific region. There have been hundreds of reported fatal attack on humans every year. The cubic shaped jelly fishes have 15 tentacles on each side of their body. These tentacles can reach up to a length of  10 feet. The lengthy tentacles also contain more than 5000 stinging cells. The venom of box jellyfishes will affect the nervous system and the heart. The human victims are likely to die before reaching the shore

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